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About thermal pad and polygon pour

mulfycrowh , 06-24-2023, 02:19 AM
Hi everyone,

I have an IC with thermal pad.
I just want copper on the thermal pad.
The problem is that I get also copper around the pad when I fill the board with GND polygon pour.
I don't want this.
How can I solve the issue?

Thank you very much for help.
robertferanec , 06-24-2023, 02:57 AM
you can create polygon cutout areas, that should help (I think it is in the place menu)
mulfycrowh , 06-24-2023, 06:16 AM
Thank you very much for the advice, Robert.
After having done Polygon Pours > Repour All, it remains red dashed lines around the polygon pour cutouts.
Is it copper or just a reminder?
robertferanec , 06-24-2023, 07:09 AM
these may be just showing the edges where the cutout is in case you would like to select it?
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